LGA Rules/Code of Conduct

  • PRESIDENT – Bob Leonard Sr.
  • TREASURER – Lana LePine Stringer
  • SECRETARY – Joyce Ryan

RULES AND REGULATIONS – Use of all LGA properties is at your own risk.

Beach 1 – The use of Beach 1 is restricted to swimming only. Please be aware that NO Lifeguard is on duty. No boating, fishing, or parking of vehicles along the rocks is allowed. DOGS are not allowed on the beach at any time.

Beach 2 – Primary use of this beach is for boating and fishing. Swimming is allowed at your discretion. Again, NO Lifeguard is on duty. Playground – Picnic tables are available for use by paid LGA members. Borrowers must notify a member of the Executive Board prior to the removal of any tables. The Borrower must return the tables within 24 hours after use to ensure availability to others. The Borrower is responsible for any and all damage to the tables.


The purpose of the LGA Code of Conduct is to establish a positive atmosphere where each member and/or guest is ultimately responsible for his/her behavior. This Code will be in effect on all LGA properties at all times (Beach 1, Beach 2, and the park). This Code will focus on the following major themes for behavior that we want all LGA members and guests to exhibit.

– Respect, caring and courtesy for others. (Inappropriate language or gestures, taunting, harassing, etc. will not be tolerated.)
– Pride in caring for LGA property and respect for the property of others.
– Personal maintenance of a safe, orderly and clean environment. (Everyone is obligated to bring home any and all items brought onto LGA property – food, drinks, cigarette butts, trash, etc.)
– Parents will be held responsible for the actions of their children.

We do not want to have to make a rule for every possible misbehavior. We expect members and guests to take responsibility for their own conduct. Violation of this Code may result in enforcement by local authorities.

This Code was unanimously approved at the May 27, 2001 LGA meeting and may be amended at any LGA meeting where a quorum is in attendance and is passed by a majority vote.