Dunbarton Town Website:
Besides our own local Lake Gorham Association website http://www.lgassociation.org/, there is also lots of good info on the town website: http://www.dunbartonnh.org/
Dunbarton has a Town Meeting each March. If Dunbarton is your home and you are registered to vote (see the town clerk) and you want to know when to vote in Dunbarton – it is in the Dunbarton town website’s online calendar. (i.e. Every March, there is a warrant article presented at the town meeting, for ‘Milfoil money’ – to be eligible for matching NH grant money, the town needs to collect money through taxation. All milfoil monitoring / treatment will happen only if people vote for it.) Please register to vote at the town hall in time to be eligible to vote.
Did you know Dunbarton is the center of New England? It is on our town website!
Also, on the Dunbarton website: General Information for the Dunbarton Conservation Commission: https://www.dunbartonnh.org/conservation-commission and the direct link to the Dunbarton Conservation Commission website: http://www.dunbartonconservation.org/
On the DCC website, you can find several conservation spots in town (Bela Brook, Kimball Pond, Kuncanowet Forest, Stone Farm). Kuncanowet Conservation area is closest to us and has parking and access at the end of Holiday Shore Drive. The following links are for documents maintained by the Dunbarton Conservation Commission which contain trail maps and information for the Kuncanowet area. Please note that wildlife (black bear, bobcat, fox, etc.) is often spotted here so take precautions to protect yourself and your family – including pets. You may want to limit your bird feeder to winter use only.
Click here for a printable Trail Map of Kuncanowet Town Forest.
Our local US Post Office is in Goffstown: – 11 Church St., Goffstown, NH 03045-9998 Local Phone Number is (603)-497-9907
Miscellaneous notes:
The official ‘plat’ name for our neighborhood is “Holiday Haven Acres”. (Only some lots along the shore, most near the public boat ramp, were established earlier, without the deeded “Holiday Haven Acres” / LGA rights to the common properties.)
The camp on the western shore of Lake Gorham (across the pond) is a privately owned 5-acre parcel owned by one of the families who donated much of the conservation land surrounding the pond.